I have found it really helpful to be part of a local support group of food allergy families. Our local group is called MOSAIC – Mothers of Severely Allergic Infants and Children in Colorado Springs, Colorado. There’s a very active MOSAIC group in Denver, Colorado which has been meeting for several years. Our group in Colorado Springs is newer, but we continue to grow and to have great meetings.
It’s great to have other food allergic parents to talk to about schools, local grocery stores and local laws. In fact, our group had a paramedic come to one of our meetings and tell us what would occur should one of our children go into anaphylaxis.
A local allergist and I started the MOSAIC group here by contacting as many people as we knew who have food allergies in their family. Then, he continued to give the information to his patients as they were diagnosed. The group has continued to grow from there. Other allergists in town now participate in the group and give out flyers to their patients. We’ve had several discussions about accommodations for food allergies in school. We’ve also discussed Eosinophilic Esophagitis, nutrition for children with food allergies, the emotional aspects of food allergies – the list goes on and on!
If you are a member of a support group, please let me know and I’ll send you an AllergicChild brochure for FREE via email to pass out to your members. If there’s no support group in your area, maybe you should start one! Speak with your allergist about other families in your area who have food allergic children, and start from there.
Some support groups combine efforts to get legislation passed in their state. The picture above shows several Colorado support group leaders with their children watching while then Colorado Governor Ritter signs into law the COLORADO SCHOOL CHILDREN’S FOOD ALLERGY AND ANAPHYLAXIS MANAGEMENT ACT. Since meeting through the process of getting this legislation signed, the Colorado support group leaders meet once a year to discuss food allergy issues and initiatives in the state. It’s a great group of advocates, and lifelong friendships have transpired.
Our statewide support group leaders also help to run booths at the FAAN (Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network) walk. There’s no end to what several concerned parents can do!