Kissing & Food Allergies

When our son, Morgan, was diagnosed with food allergies at 18 months old, I never thought that kissing my child could cause problems! Yet, if anyone has eaten their child’s food allergens and then given a cheek buss – well, you may be in for a big surprise! Even that minimal contact can cause an allergic reaction in a highly sensitive child. Passionate kissing can cause full blown anaphylaxis. So, it’s important to know the facts of what works with showing affection for your loved one after you’ve eaten their food allergen(s).

In 2006, Dr. Scott Sicherer of Mt. Sinai researched peanut allergen exposure through saliva.  The research looked at how long the peanut protein remained in saliva. The protein is amazingly persistent, even after teeth brushing or chewing gum. The research conclusion was as follows: “Patients with peanut allergy require counseling regarding risks of kissing or sharing utensils, even if partners have brushed teeth or chewed gum. Advice to reduce risks, though not as ideal as total avoidance, includes waiting a few hours plus eating a peanut-free meal.”

Dr. Sicherer’s research did not involve cheek kissing or a “Grandma buss”. However I have heard from parents that their child has experienced welts, hives and/or a rash after receiving such a kiss when Grandma has just eaten the child’s food allergens. It’s vital to be cautious and for all family members to understand that even this small act of love can prove dangerous for a child with food allergies.


Once a child with food allergies becomes a teenager, that’s when the real fretting comes into play! I would encourage you and your teenager to speak with your allergist about this topic. This has also been a frequent topic at the Teen Summit. While it might be overwhelming for your teen to talk about kissing, keeping them safe supersedes potential embarrassment. When we spoke with Dr. Fleischer at National Jewish Health about kissing, he encouraged Morgan to have his date either not eat food that he’s allergic to or to eat another non-allergen meal and wait at least 2 hours after an allergy-laden meal. That could make for a very long date! Or, better yet, it makes for the necessity of having a conversation with his date prior to the day of the date.

Kids with Food Allergies has a great resource for Teens and Kissing here. The magazine, Allergic Living, has an article on the topic here.

I interviewed Sloane Miller, aka Allergic Girl, about her kissing experience that ended in anaphylaxis. Check out my interview here. Who would have thought that a beard would be the culprit!

Go out there and pucker up!